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Health Checkups

With the flurry of everyday life, it's no wonder our health often takes a backseat to other concerns. But a preventive visit to the doctor now may help you avoid problems down the road.

Alaska Regional encourages you to take a moment to contact your healthcare provider and schedule a checkup today. Don't have a doctor? Call our FREE Physician Referral Service at 264-1722 (local) or 1-888-254-7884 (toll-free) and request a doctor by specialty, location or health insurance acceptance.

In addition to a flu shot and other adult immunizations, we recommend that both men and women have the following health screenings:

  • Blood Pressure - You may be at risk for stroke, heart and kidney disease if your blood pressure is too high. Check every year.
  • Cholesterol - High levels can lead to a heart attack and other cardiac diseases. Check at least every 5 years or annually if you are at risk.
  • Colorectal Cancer - Preventative screenings find pre-cancerous growths and can catch this cancer early. Start testing at age 50; earlier if you have risk factors.
  • Diabetes - Without treatment, this disease can be life threatening. A blood sugar test detects it early. Test every 3 years starting at age 45; earlier if you have risk factors.
  • Skin Cancer - This is the most common of all cancers, but it can almost always be cured if caught early. Monthly self-exams and yearly skin exams by a doctor, at every age.

Additional Tests for Men

  • Prostate Exam - Two tests detect cancer early; prostate specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE). If you are at risk, start testing at age 50.
  • Testicular Cancer - Regular exams can detect painless lumps that could indicate cancer. Do self-exams monthly. Physician examination during your annual checkup.

Additional Tests for Women

  • Cervical Cancer - Pap tests can detect this cancer early and HPV tests reduce the risk. Regular tests, at least every 3 years after becoming sexually active.
  • Breast Cancer - Mammograms enable cancer treatment during early stages, when it is most effective. Yearly exams for all women age 40 and older.