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When Life Gives You Cancer, We Give You Hope

If you think back to the days of learning to ride a bike you probably remember falling down frequently. When you got hurt, your mother would appear with a small band-aid and a hug. The bandage may have helped heal your “boo-boo,” but the hug helped heal you. We try to keep that same approach because just like your mother, we understand there is more to life than just treating the “boo-boos.”

At Alaska Regional Hospital we not only care about treating cancer, we care about you.Our philosophy is to treat our patients as the whole person, not just the illness. Our Cancer Care Center's focus is to make it all about you.

Our physicians are highly specialized and seek to meet each patient's needs. We have also partnered with the Alaska Cancer Care Alliance to aid your financial, social and emotional needs, and we offer a number of cancer treatments. Among these treatment options is the first surgical robot in the state. Our da Vinci Robot assists physicians in performing complex prostate and gynecological cancer treatments.

We understand that as scary as it is to be told you or a loved one has cancer, it is equally as frightening to not know where to turn for assistance. The Cancer Care Center staff is here to help you obtain the knowledge and resources to take the cancer journey. If we don't have an answer to your questions, we will try to find one ” give us a call. We also offer support groups for patients and their loved ones. And our Cancer Boutique offers many styles and colors of wigs and knitted caps to help you feel like yourself again!

The bottom line is that fighting cancer is hard enough, so don't go at it alone. Allow us to help treat more than just the cancer. Allow us to treat you.