My Hospital Visit

Simply said, we put patients first at Alaska Regional Hospital. We sincerely care for every patient and their family members as if they were part of our family. That means we will deliver high-quality healthcare while paying personal attention to you. We will do our best to anticipate and meet your individual needs while making you as comfortable as possible.
Each of us recognizes the importance of caring for the whole patient, and not only focusing on the heath concern that brought him or her to our hospital. That’s why we are committed to showing compassion and simple kindness whenever we interact with our patients and their families.
We are dedicated to high-quality care and healing at Alaska Regional. Our entire team promises to put you and your wellbeing first at all times.
We offer private and semi-private rooms, and when possible, we will endeavor to honor your preference. Sometimes alternate arrangements may be necessary due to availability. No matter what type of accommodations you receive, you will be provided the same careful service. Under no circumstance will there be discrimination in the assignment of patient beds with regard to race or religion.
We strongly urge you to either leave your valuables at home or send them home with a member of your family. If that is not possible, you may deposit such items in the hospital safe. Dentures, removable bridges, contact lenses, and eye-glasses and cell phones should be stored in protective containers marked with your name and placed in your bedside cabinet when not in use. We cannot be held responsible for the loss or breakage of such items, or for money, valuables, jewelry, cell phones or other articles kept in the patient’s room.
Personal Items
We invite you to bring a few personal items to make your stay more comfortable, such as a bathrobe, slippers, nightgown or pajamas and toiletry articles.
To make an outside call, dial “907” plus the desired number. Long distance calls may be made via the operator by dialing 00.
Pay telephones are located throughout the hospital for the convenience of patients and visitors. Please ask your nurse for locations.
Wi-Fi Internet Access
With Alaska Regional Hospital’s high-speed, wireless internet, you have fast reliable access to browsing the internet and email during your hospital stay.
Employee/Staff Identification
All employees and volunteers are identified by an identification badge which shows their first name and department. Personnel are required to wear this badge so that you will know the people who are caring for you. If you do not see a staff member’s badge, please ask them to show it to you or mention it to your nurse.
Your safety and security are of primary importance to us, and we are constantly on the alert to prevent accidents. Please call for your nurse and ask for help rather than attempting to do something that may cause an accidental strain or fall. At certain times, it may be necessary to raise the side rails on your bed for your protection. Do not try to lower them without assistance from your nurse. Should you have an accident, please contact a caregiver immediately for assistance.
We provide security 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. If you have security issues or concerns, please ask your nurse to put you in touch with a security officer. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you.
Alaska Regional is dedicated to being prepared in the event of a fire, disaster or community crisis. Throughout the year, we participate in preparedness drills and exercises to practice the special procedures used in emergencies. Please do not be disturbed if you hear or see evidence of such drills. You will be told if there is a real emergency. If you should have any questions about a drill, please contact your nurse.
We provide all day and all night labeled patient parking. If you come into our Emergency Department and are then admitted to the hospital, please let our security department know.
Valet Parking
For your convenience, we offer free valet parking service to our patients and their visitors. The valet is just outside the hospital’s first floor main entrance (on the west side of the building, off Alaska Regional Drive). No gratuity is required. Hours of operation are Mon - Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm If you wish to pick up your car outside of the hours of operation, your keys will be with our PBX operator in the Emergency Department Admitting area. You must present your claim ticket to receive your keys.
Ethical Questions
If you have a concern of an ethical nature, you may express that concern to any staff member who, will, in turn, initiate the process for resolution. Clinical or ethical concerns may be reported to any staff member or hospital management including the Director of Quality, Department Directors, Nursing Supervisors or Hospital Administration.
If any patient, visitor or employee believes discrimination has occurred, they should contact the Director of Risk Management at extension *41382.
Meal Service
Alaska Regional offers a wide variety of menu choices to satisfy any taste. Selective menus come on your breakfast tray for the next day service. Please circle the items you would like to see come on your tray and keep the menu in your room. A volunteer or dietary representative will collect the completed menus midmorning and early afternoon. You may also give your competed menu to nursing staff.
Clear liquid, full liquid, dysphagia and puree diets are non-selective, but a dietitian can help with food preferences. If you are on a specialized diet, the menu selections are monitored to meet the doctor’s prescription for you.
Snacks are available on the unit including tea, coffee, juice, milk and ice cream and crackers. A dietary representative or nursing staff member can help if you would like to have a more substantial snack planned.
You may request a visit by the dietitian if you have any questions about the meals or your diet prescription.
Vending Machine Service
Vending areas are available for your convenience 24 hours a day just outside the cafeteria on the first floor.
The hospital cafeteria is located on the first floor. In the hospital cafeteria, food items are individually priced.
Open Monday through Friday. Closed on weekends and major holidays.
Lunch 11:00am – 2:00pm
Dinner 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times and must report to the nurses’ station before entering a patient’s room. Children will not be allowed to visit patients in isolation without permission of the nursing staff.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Alaska Regional Hospital is a tobacco-free facility and campus. The use of tobacco of all kinds is prohibited on our campus, including the parking lots. If you are interested in quitting, we encourage you to call Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line at (888) 842-7848.
Hospital Chaplain
Your minister is welcomed and encouraged to visit you. If you do not have a local minister and wish to be visited by a chaplain, please dial “00” for the operator to arrange for a pastoral visit from a volunteer chaplain. Hospital chaplains represent various denominations from area churches and volunteer their services on an on-call basis.
Hospital Chapel
The hospital chapel is located on the first floor in the main lobby. You are welcome to enjoy the serenity of this room for private meditation.
Physician Care
Your physician is ultimately in charge of your admission and discharge from Alaska Regional. He or she makes the necessary arrangements for laboratory tests, medications, diets, and other special treatments. Your physician is not an employee of the hospital and the bill for his or her professional services will be sent to you separately. Likewise, the professional fees for anesthesiology, pathology, and radiology will also be billed separately by these specialists.
Nursing Care

A well-trained staff of registered nurses will coordinate and direct your nursing care during your stay. Our nurses are dedicated to making your stay as comfortable as possible. From admission to discharge, nurses work closely with your physician in providing your prescribed care. In addition to administering medication and treatment, nurses closely observe your condition to keep careful records so your physician is informed of your progress. Registered nurses may be assisted by licensed practical nurses, certified nursing assistants and unit clerks who work together to meet your needs.
Our nurses receive specialized training to keep pace with modern technology and equipment. If you have questions or concerns about your care, your nurse will be happy to discuss these with you.
Additional Healthcare Staff
Your hospital experience may appear to be mainly clinical in nature as healthcare professionals from the Pharmacy, Laboratory, Diagnostic Imaging, Respiratory, and Therapy Services Departments play a key role in your health. We are also proud of the behind the scenes staff in Dietary, Housekeeping, Engineering, Information Services and many other departments who provide the support services necessary for you to be as well cared for as possible.
The Volunteers at Alaska Regional join the hospital staff in wishing you a comfortable stay and a speedy recovery. Though they receive no pay beyond the satisfaction of helping others, they are an invaluable part of the hospital team.
Medication Safety

Please send personal medications home or give them to the personnel at the nursing station. All drugs must be dispensed by the hospital pharmacist to ensure that you receive the proper medication at the right time and that there is no conflict in the medicines you are taking.
Be sure to let us know about:
- Prescription medications you have been taking.
- Over-the-counter medication that you are using, or commonly use, for pain, headaches, cough and cold, and other ailments.
- “Natural” remedies, or alternative medications, you are using, including herbal products.
- Use of recreational drugs, if any.
- Any concerns or questions you have about your medications.
- As much information as you may have or can remember about allergies or reactions to medications you may have had in the past.
- Food allergies.
- Your diet, including foods and beverages you commonly eat or drink.
- Before receiving a medication, a treatment, or any other service, be sure the armband with your name and information can be checked.
Questions you should ask before receiving medications:
- What is the name of this medication? Is this the brand name or the generic name?
- What is it for?
- How much should I get, and how often?
- What possible side effects are there?
- Do you have anything I can read about this medication?
If this medication is unfamiliar or new to you, also ask:
- Will this be replacing anything I was taking before I came in?
- What possible side effects are there?
- If you notice anything different that catches your attention, ask for clarification. For example: You receive four tablets in the morning instead of two (you might be receiving a new medication that you might want to learn about). Or, the medication you have been taking for blood pressure was always a blue tablet, but today you received a white one (it could be a generic version of the same medication).
Please ask any questions you may have about your medication and other treatments.
Your Discharge
Your physician, in cooperation with the hospital’s discharge planning department, determines when you are ready to be discharged. This team is a special group of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals which monitor your progress while you are in the hospital. Their job is to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of medical care and that you are not discharged until you are medically ready to leave. This benefits you, not only in terms of how long you are in the hospital, but also with regards to what services you receive, thereby assuring you will be charged for only those services you truly need. Soon after your admission, a Patient Care Coordinator will visit you to discuss possible needs for follow up care after discharge.
Prior to discharge, your physician will write a discharge order on your medical record and discuss your release and follow-up treatment with you. Your nurse will give you a written copy of any instructions you may need and will thoroughly explain them to you. We encourage you to ask a family member or friend to arrive early when you are ready for pick-up. You will be escorted to the main entrance by hospital personnel or a volunteer.
Before leaving your room, check the closets and drawers to be sure that no personal items are left behind, and reclaim any valuables stored in the hospital safe.